在P&O Cruises的Angelo意大利餐厅用餐

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Angelo's是大多数船上免费用餐的选择之一 澳大利亚-based P&O游轮 fleet, and as the name might suggest, the cuisine is Italian-inspired.

Most recently, we enjoyed a terrific meal at Angelo’s aboard P&O Pacific Explorer, and for the coeliac sufferers, gluten allergic, or otherwise gluten intolerant; yes, you can have gluten-free pasta. Yes, you definitely can. No missing out for you at this Italian restaurant!

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How does Angelo’s work?

Angelo’s Italian is an ala carte style specialty restaurant. Unlike most specialty restaurants, Angelo’s is free, so there is no cover charge or price per dish except for two reasonably-priced premium options.

I love that P&O includes some complimentary specialty restaurants in their fares, like Angelo’s and Dragon Lady.

Angelo’s is only open for dinner meals, and while you can just turn up, bookings are recommended if you want to dine at a specific time.

Angelo's Dessert Trolleys on P&O Pacific Explorer

I’ve often noted queues of people waiting for a table, so if you don’t book in advance, this could be you. Waiting is most likely at peak time from restaurant opening (usually 6:30 or 7 pm) until about 8:30 pm.

So, book in advance if you can. You can book over the phone by calling the specialty restaurants number, or, you can see the restaurant staff at various times during the day (times vary).

Should you choose to go with one of the premium dishes, shown on the menu as ”indulgere”, it will simply be charged to your stateroom account. The same goes for any drinks you purchase. Otherwise, there is nothing else to pay.

Angelo’s Menu

P&O has a sample menu for Angelo’s available on their website. At the time of writing, the sample menu is the same menu that we had aboard Pacific Explorer on this culinary stop.

P&O - Angelo's Italian Restaurant Menu
P&O – Angelo’s Italian Restaurant Menu

Angelo’s offers an ala carte dining experience, based around a three-course meal and sides.

The modern styling inside Angelo's Restaurant on P&O Pacific Explorer.

As your waiter welcomes you to your table, they will bring you some breadsticks, and you can, of course, order drinks if you wish.

Bread sticks are provided at P&O's Angelo's restaurant while you wait for your food.

Then, once you are ready, your waiter will take your order.

So, let’s indulge with some photos of some of the different choices available on the menu.


The starters! Primi is your entree or first course, and the dishes available are quite appealing, in my opinion, with choices that will suit most taste buds.

For the coeliac travellers and otherwise gluten-averse diners, none of the primi options are labelled as gluten-free or gluten-free on request. That said, many of the dishes can be made without their glutenous ingredients. Just make sure to ask your waiter!

Cavolfiore Arrosto con Uvetta e Salsa Romesco

I, personally, am a big pin of the ”Cavolfiore Arrosto con Uvetta e Salsa Romesco”. Essentially, roasted cauliflower with a romesco sauce! I love roasted cauliflower, and this sauce has so much flavour in it!

Angelos Primi - Cavolfiore Arrosto con Uvetta e Salsa Romesco. Essentially, roasted cauliflower with a romesco sauce!

Zupa di Patate

Angelo’s ”Zupa di Patate”. Or potato soup is one of the dishes that can be made gluten-free even though it doesn’t indicate as such.

Angelos Primi - Zupa di Patate. Or potato soup.

Ok, it’s soup. What more can I say? It is a bowl of tasty potato soup with more depth than I expected. Normally, it does have bacon as well, but we got it baconless as well as glutenless.


Secondi is your second course or main meal. As I mentioned earlier, Angelo’s is included in your cruise fare on P&O Cruises, so there is no need to pay any extra for your meal.

However, if you wish to pay more, let no one stop you! You can dig into one of the “Indulgere” dishes for an extra charge.

The choices available in the ”Indulgere” range are not my thing, but the pricing is very reasonable in my opinion. Especially when you compare the AUD pricing of Angelo’s on P&O to the USD pricing of premium dishes in specialty restaurants on other cruise lines that also have a cover charge, like Giovanni’s, 排骨格栅 要么 桑巴烧烤 on 皇家加勒比.

However, I digress! Let’s get back to the main menu at Angelo’s Italian on P&O.

Cappellacci di Zucca Arrosto

The ”Cappellacci di Zucca Arrosto” is cappellacci style pasta stuffed with pumpkin and tossed in burnt sage butter with pine nuts. Don’t know what cappellacci is? Neither did I!

It turns out that cappellacci is a style of pasta that is stuffed with some kind of filling and folded into shapes that resemble little hats.

If you look closely, they kind of do look like little hats, don’t they?

Angelo's Secondi Cappellacci di Zucca Arrosto. This is cappellacci style pasta stuffed with pumpkin and tossed in burnt sage butter and pine nuts.

Now you know!

Vitello Ossobucco Gremolata

Angelo’s ”Vitello Ossobucco Gremolata” is slow-cooked veal osso bucco gremolata with pumpkin mash and buttered green beans.

That’s a few more words I don’t know. I understood the slow-cooked veal with pumpkin mash and beans part but the rest went over my head.

So, for those interested in expanding their Italian vocabulary and food knowledge further:

  • Osso bucco is an Italian dish made from veal shins with the marrow, stewed in wine. It quite literally translates to ”bone veal”.
  • Gremolata is a garnish made with parsley, garlic, and lemon zest. I’m not entirely sure that’s what we see on our dish, but the dried onion garnish is delicious nevertheless!
Angelo's Secondi Vitello Ossobucco Gremolata. Slow cooked veal ossobucco gremolata with pumpkin mash and buttered green beans.

Right, moving on!

Risotto al Funghi con Ricotta e Spinaci

Our next secondi from Angelo’s is a little more familiar. ”Risotto al Funghi con Ricotta e Spinaci”. Mushroom risotto with ricotta cheese, parmesan and wilted spinach. A classic that wins every time. Melty, cheesy, yummy, shroomy risotto.

I try to avoid cheesy food these days, but, it’s just so tasty!

This tempting mushroom-infused risotto is also one of two dishes on the menu that is labelled as gluten-free all the time, not just on request.

Angelo's Secondi Risotto al Funghi con Ricotta e Spinaci. Mushroom risotto with ricotta cheese, parmesan and wilted spinach.

If you can tear yourself away from that evil risotto, we shall continue.

Filetto di Merluzzo Spadellato

There is something fishy about Angelo’s ”Filetto di Merluzzo Spadellato”. This dish is a pan-seared cod fillet with potato puree, mushrooms, roast zucchini and cherry tomatoes.

Not bad at all, and the second gluten-free choice that is always available.

Angelo's Secondi Filetto di Merluzzo Spadellato. Pan-seared cod fillet  with potato puree, mushrooms, roast zucchini and cherry tomatoes.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. WHERE’S THE PASTA?!?! And what kind if Italian restaurant would it be if there was no pasta dish on the menu?

Well, the menu does have penne and spaghetti on it as well as lasagne. The penne is the only option available as gluten-free on request.

I can’t speak for the pasta dishes that are actually on the menu since we didn’t try them, but I can say they are probably delicious!

Custom-Made Gluten-Free Spaghetti

You see, we got a custom-made, gluten-free chicken spaghetti tossed in a white sauce, and it was exceptional.

Angelo's Custom Gluten-Free Chicken Spaghetti with White Sauce

The gluten-free spaghetti used onboard P&O ships is quite good. I did notice that it does stick together a bit, but it’s definitely one of the better gluten-free spaghetti’s I’ve tried.

  • Note 1: Gluten-free on request dishes tend to take longer to prepare in their GF form, so, you may have a slightly longer wait for your meal.
  • Note 2: Order in advance if you need something that isn’t catered for on the menu.
  • Note 3: Allow an extra 20-30 mins wait for your food if you have a custom order.


The serving sizes for primi and secondi are quite reasonable, but if you think you might need a little more, you can also pick from a small selection of side dishes, the contorni.

Insalata di Radicchio con Gorgonzola Pere e Noci

Angelo’s ”Insalata di Radicchio con Gorgonzola Pere e Noci”. Also known as radicchio leaves with blue cheese, grilled pear and candied walnuts. That’s my kind of salad! Yum!

Angelo's Contorni Insalata di Radicchio con Gorgonzola Pere e Noci. Also known as radicchio leaves with blue cheese, grilled pear and candied walnuts. Yum!

Verdure al Vapore con Olio e Limone

The ”Verdure al Vapore con Olio e Limone” is steamed vegetables with extra virgin olive oil and lemon dressing. Not bad.

Angelo's Contorni Verdure al Vapore con Olio e Limone. Steamed vegetables with extra virgin olive oil and lemon dressing.


最后,杜塞, 糖果, 我的最爱。 🙂

对于麸质耐受者,Angelo' 提供一系列诱人的甜点手推车选择。


  • 意式奶冻
  • 奶油蛋糕
  • 开心果肉卷
  • 提拉米苏

*咳嗽* 或者以上所有。 *咳嗽*

Angelo's Dessert Selection - Panna Cotta, Tiramisu, Pistachio Cannelloni, and a Custard Torte


意大利面有点令人失望,但是 提拉米苏很棒.我真的很喜欢它,蛋糕也让我感到惊讶!


幸运的是,如果您确实喜欢甜点并要求它们不含麸质,那么您的绒毛就不会被白细胞杀死,您知道, 有点重要,您的服务员会确保有适合您的东西!

没有显示在令人愉快的甜点手推车上的是 美味的黑巧克力冰淇淋,是的,它不含麸质。天也黑了。很黑。只要您喜欢黑巧克力和冰淇淋,可能比手推车上的所有东西都好。

Angelo's Dessert - GF Dark Chocolate Gelato

我们的服务员还采购了一个 无麸质意式奶冻 对我们来说这是一种享受。

Angelos Dessert - GF Panna Cotta

Tips for Coeliac and Gluten-Free Travellers

总是问。 仅仅因为菜单上的某些东西没有说它是无麸质的,并不意味着它不能为您制作。但是,请注意,这可能需要更长的时间。

当您预订餐桌时 安吉洛的,让他们知道您需要无麸质餐 (对于任何其他特殊饮食需求也是如此)。您可以在预订时预先订购您喜欢的菜肴,并且根据您预订的距离,您可以订购菜单上没有的东西。


甜点可能是最难吃的 所有标准甜点都含有麸质 提供的无麸质默认选项是奶酪和水果盘。然而,他们特制的黑巧克力冰淇淋不含麸质,他们也可以为您制作不含麸质的意式奶冻。如果你问,他们可能会为你准备更多!

What about you?

你在 P&O 的 Angelo's 意大利餐厅吃过饭吗?你最喜欢什么?有什么你不喜欢的吗?在下面的评论中让我知道!


Dining at Angelos Italian Restaurant on P&O - Pinterest Image
A Guide to P&O - Eating Gluten-Free at Angelo's Italian
Dining at Angelo's Restaurant on P&O Cruises
Specialty dining at Angelo's Italian restaurant on P&O Cruises.



旅行货币和货币换算: 我们同时使用 向上银行明智的 通过支持 Apple Pay 和 Android Pay 以及出色的应用内客户支持,在您旅行时获得最佳货币兑换率。

航班: 我们检查了几个网站的不同价格。从澳大利亚出发,我总是直接检查澳航的奖励航班,但除此之外,我会检查并比较航班费用 天巡.检查替代路线和日期总是值得的,尤其是在有多个中途停留选项或附近替代机场的情况下。

住所: 我们通常通过预订 雅阁 因为我们发现他们的价格最低,取消政策+忠诚度福利效果最好。我们也用 爱彼迎 时。

汽车出租: 我们用 欧洲汽车展 将租车价格与 Europcar、Budget、Hertz 和 Avis 等所有大型国际品牌进行比较。我们通常最终使用 阿维斯 要么 欧洲汽车 因为他们提供最优惠的价格(请务必查看他们当前的优惠折扣),并且都使用相对较新的车队维护他们的车辆。

旅游与活动: 我们通常会尝试通过这些第三方网站之一预订活动 领航者获取指南 & 客路 由于他们灵活的取消政策(为我们在 COVID 后旅行节省了很多钱)和价格保证(通常比直接预订更优惠的价格)。我们也通过预订 红气球 偶尔会有更多独特的澳大利亚和新西兰活动。

《Dining at Angelo’s Italian Restaurant on P&O Cruises》有4条留言

    • 哈哈,谢谢评论。我喜欢意大利风味的食物,我的妻子也是意大利面的忠实粉丝,所以她非常高兴他们可以做到无麸质,并且有很多无麸质的选择!这对意大利菜来说一直是一个巨大的挑战,因为它在很大程度上依赖于小麦。

  1. 哇,我喜欢意大利面,但这是意大利面的目标!我很高兴我已经吃过了,否则我会很嫉妒(虽然我已经流口水了)。我很高兴你玩得很开心,祈祷你可以在未来的某个时候再做一次。保持安全🙂

    • 谢谢丽莎!真的很期待再次乘坐游轮。想念在船上!我们的最后一次旅行是公路旅行,当我们乘坐一小时的渡轮时,我真的很喜欢在海上。疯狂。你也要注意安全!





Matt in Noumea

Matt专职从事数字营销业务, TerraMedia。不过,在业余时间,他喜欢和妻子一起旅行,所以他们通常都会做很多事情。

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