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We had dinner here last night. Unfortunately I was too hungry and completely forgot to take photos, but I thought I’d share our experience nevertheless.

My in-laws and my wife are loyal locals and always like to visit the Horseshoe Bay Kiosk whenever they go to South West Rocks. Every time they have tried to take me before though, the kiosk has been closed, but this time it was finally open and I can understand why they like to get food there.

We got burgers, chips, gravy and ice cream for dinner.

One thing to be aware of, especially if you order anything besides chips is that they don’t call orders out based on the number order. For example, we were 87, but they had gotten to 105 before they came back to us. The reason for this is that chips cook faster than burgers. That said, we were waiting about 45 minutes for our order which seems quite a while for a burger. As long as you are aware to expect a wait of that long though then you won’t have a problem. One way around it might be to order chips in one order and everything else in another – that way you at least get your chips earlier to start munching on!

That aside the burgers were pretty awesome. They were a decent size and tasted great.

I had the chicken burger and everyone else had hamburgers. They both had good chunks of meat on them and lots of salad. It took a bit to get our mouths around them, so in spite of the wait, it was worth while.

We were also pleased to find that the chips were fresh, they hadn’t been cooked straight away and left sitting while the burgers cooked, they were cooked later on to coincide with the burgers being ready. They were chunky chips and they went down well with the gravy, though the gravy was perhaps a bit too salty.

For dessert we had ice cream. The Horseshoe Bay Kiosk has a lot of ice cream choices – though unfortunately they had run out of a lot when we were getting dessert. It’s setup like a Baskin Robbins style, but based on Peters ice creams.



旅行货币和货币换算: 我们同时使用 向上银行明智的 通过支持 Apple Pay 和 Android Pay 以及出色的应用内客户支持,在您旅行时获得最佳货币兑换率。

航班: 我们检查了几个网站的不同价格。从澳大利亚出发,我总是直接检查澳航的奖励航班,但除此之外,我会检查并比较航班费用 天巡.检查替代路线和日期总是值得的,尤其是在有多个中途停留选项或附近替代机场的情况下。

住所: 我们通常通过预订 雅阁 因为我们发现他们的价格最低,取消政策+忠诚度福利效果最好。我们也用 爱彼迎 时。

汽车出租: 我们用 欧洲汽车展 将租车价格与 Europcar、Budget、Hertz 和 Avis 等所有大型国际品牌进行比较。我们通常最终使用 阿维斯 要么 欧洲汽车 因为他们提供最优惠的价格(请务必查看他们当前的优惠折扣),并且都使用相对较新的车队维护他们的车辆。

旅游与活动: 我们通常会尝试通过这些第三方网站之一预订活动 领航者获取指南 & 客路 由于他们灵活的取消政策(为我们在 COVID 后旅行节省了很多钱)和价格保证(通常比直接预订更优惠的价格)。我们也通过预订 红气球 偶尔会有更多独特的澳大利亚和新西兰活动。




Matt in Noumea

Matt专职从事数字营销业务, TerraMedia。不过,在业余时间,他喜欢和妻子一起旅行,所以他们通常都会做很多事情。

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