
这篇文章可能包含会员链接,我可以从中免费获得少量佣金。请看我的 披露页面 有关信息。

如果你跟着我 推特 要么 脸书 有一阵子,或者已经阅读了我的一些博客文章,您可能会意识到我非常喜欢 Wise (formerly TransferWise) for international transfers and payments. Wise keeps foreign exchange fees extremely low and gives customers a better exchange rate than most banks by passing on the actual daily exchange rate rather than incorporating an exchange margin. With most banks in 澳大利亚, this margin is around 3%. On a $100 purchase, that’s a $3 saving just on the exchange rate. Many banks also charge a fee on foreign exchanges and foreign purchases. Wise fees are typically much lower.

If you receive money in foreign currencies, Wise can save you even more money by facilitating storage of the foreign currency and spending it without transferring it back to your base currency first.

免责声明: This is not financial advice and you should do your own research.


因此,例如,我的基本货币是AUD。但是,我从某些会员合作伙伴处收到以美元支付的佣金。他们直接存入我的银行帐户。我也付钱 金斯塔 以美元支付我的网站托管费用。

Before Wise, those commission payments would go into my bank account and my bank would deduct a fee to convert that into AUD. I’d then pay 金斯塔 通过信用卡付款,我的银行会向我收取费用,以将澳元转换为美元。

If only I didn’t have to convert that USD back to AUD first! With Wise, this is completely possible.

So, if you don’t have a multi-currency account with TransferWise yet, go and 开设您的免费帐户.

Set up your multi-currency accounts in Wise (formerly TransferWise)

Ok, so you have opened up a Wise account. You’ll have a base balance automatically setup in your chosen base currency. For me, that’s AUD.


TransferWise Activity Screen

Straight away, I can start loading my base currency by transferring money from my bank to the Wise bank account details provided, or by clicking the “Add AUD” button (or whatever currency your base currency is).

现在,如果您没有收到外币的款项,则可以直接跳至“取得TransferWise借记卡“ 部分。不过对我来说,我想以美元收款并将其保存在美元帐户中,直到准备使用为止。




TransferWise Balances Screen

这个过程和概念与旅行理财卡非常相似,例如 澳航旅行钱澳大利亚邮政旅行万事达卡但是,与这些卡片不同, TransferWise 使用起来更便宜,并且可以为您提供大多数主要货币的银行详细信息。具有银行详细信息,使您可以像实际银行帐户一样使用每个余额来接收外币资金。

To open a new balance in Wise, click the “Open a balance” button at the top of the balances screen.

TransferWise Open A Balance Button


TransferWise Open a Balance Currency Selection


TransferWise Balance Selection Drop Down


TransferWise Open your USD balance button

Wise will now set up your new balance and let you know when it is ready.

TransferWise USD Balance is ready to go

即使USD支持本地银行详细信息,也不会自动创建它们。如果需要,您必须要求他们。因此,请点击蓝色的大按钮“ Got it”,然后继续前进。



TransferWise USD Balance Now Visible


TransferWise Get bank details button

If you don’t need bank details, you can add funds by clicking the “Add USD” button and following the instructions. TransferWise will provide you with instructions to load money. We’re going to click the “Get bank details” button though.


TransferWise USD bank details


注意: some foreign currencies do support direct debits, Euro and AUD for example.

This is great, just what I want! Now I can have my USD commissions paid straight into my USD balance using these bank details. No need for converting to AUD unless I want to.

But, how do I now use this to pay for my website hosting and other USD transactions when direct debits are not supported?

Well, that’s where the TransferWise debit card comes in.


Wise does prompt you to order a debit card when you first set up your account. So chances are, you might already have one. However, if you didn’t order one during account setup, you can do so by clicking the “Debit Card” link in the menu of your account.

Please note that since May 6, 2020 in the EU and UK and May 20, 2020 for other countries, a one-time fee applies to get a debit card.

TransferWise Debit Card Menu

You will be taken to the debit card screen. If you already have a debit card (or have one on order), it will show you the details. It should look something like this if you have a debit card. If it hasn’t arrived yet the status will not be active, instead, it will show you the current status.

TransferWise Debit Card Screen

If you don’t have a card already or on the way, there will be a button on this screen to order a card. Click it and follow the instructions.

TransferWise Debit Card

Once your card arrives in the mail, it will have instructions with it on how to activate it. Do this, and then you are good to move on to the next step, spending your foreign currency!


The type of debit card you receive may vary depending on what your base currency is, and depending on the current relationship that Wise has with card issuers. Right now, in 澳大利亚, the debit card is a Mastercard debit.

It’s also neon green, so it really stands out.

You can use your Wise debit card to make purchases anywhere that accepts Mastercard payments. In 澳大利亚, this means you can use it at any EFTPOS terminal, online, through PayPal, with pay later services like ZipPay and AfterPay, and also to withdraw cash from ATM’s. It also means you can use it overseas anywhere that accepts Mastercard, including most online stores.

To use the card for online purchases, you have a choice, either pay by card directly or pay through PayPal. Here’s how both those scenario’s work


Simply use your Wise card at the checkout like you would any other credit or debit card. Enter the card details and away you go.

Here’s what happens when you place an order. Let’s say I’m paying $100 in USD.

Wise will check my USD balance first. If I have $100 in that balance, then it will be used to pay for the purchase.

If I don’t have any USD, Wise checks my other balances and calculates what combination of other currencies will provide the best value conversion rate with the lowest fees. It might be that I have enough GBP to cover the purchase and that gets a better value conversion than AUD. In this case, Wise will convert enough GBP into USD to cover the purchase.

If I have $80 in my USD balance, Wise will use that, and then it will check my other balances to work out the best value conversion for the remaining $20. That $20 will then be converted from one of my other balances that gets the best rate and lowest fee.

So in my example where I have to pay for my website hosting in USD, I log into my Kinsta account and add my Wise card as my preferred billing method. Now, Kinsta will bill my TransferWise card and automatically use my USD commissions first before moving to my other currencies. Now I don’t have to pay conversion fees and lose money in foreign exchange rates going backwards and forwards between USD -> AUD -> USD. AWESOME!!!

Paying in a foreign currency with my Wise card connected to my PayPal account

PayPal is another common way of managing international payments, and yes, you can receive USD directly into your PayPal account as well. PayPal fees for conversion between your balances are excessively higher than Wise though, so it isn’t a good solution for managing your international currencies.

It is possible, however, to setup your Wise debit card with PayPal so that you can use your Wise balances through PayPal.


To set this up, log into your PayPal account and click the “Money” tab.

PayPal Summary Screen

From the money screen, scroll down to the “Cards” section and click on the “Link a new card” button. If you already have some cards linked to your account then they will show up here as well.

PayPal Money Screen - Link a new card

On the screen that appears, enter your Wise debit card details, as you would with any other debit or credit card.

PayPal Link Card Screen

Click the “Link Card” button and assuming you entered your card details correctly, you should see a success screen.

PayPal Card Linked

Now, click “Done” and you will be taken back to the Money screen. Your Wise debit card should now be listed in the cards section.

PayPal Money with Card Linked

You can click “Confirm your card” to go through the process of verifying the card with PayPal, but it is not essential to get things up and running.

Now that your card is linked, you can begin using it.

Paying with your Wise card without PayPal currency conversion

When you make a purchase in a foreign currency, PayPal always defaults to doing the currency conversion for you. Why? Well, they would tell you it’s for your convenience so you know exactly what you are going to pay. The caveat is that this often isn’t exactly what you are going to pay because banks often add a foreign transaction fee if the merchant is overseas, even if you pay in your local currency. This is especially true here in 澳大利亚.

The real reason PayPal defaults to doing the currency conversion is because they charge excessively high conversion fees, so they make a lot from you when you choose to use their conversion service. To avoid these fees and make sure you are using your foreign balance on your Wise card, always choose to pay in the billing currency without PayPal currency conversion. Here’s how.

Proceed to pay as you normally would. After logging into your PayPal account to process payment, select your Wise card.

PayPal Payment Method Selection

Click “Continue” and PayPal will show you what is going to be charged to your card in what currency. This is where it typically defaults to your local currency. As you can see below, PayPal would like to convert this USD purchase to AUD for me. I don’t want that though.

To change this, click “View currency conversion options”.

PayPal Currency Conversion Options

Select the original currency (in this case, USD) from the currency conversion options screen.

PayPal Change Currency

PayPal will update to show you the new amount in the original currency and confirm that your card provider (Wise) will determine the conversion rate and any fees.

Click “Pay in USD” (or whatever currency it is that you have selected).

PayPal New Currency Amount

You will be taken back to the PayPal payments screen where you can finalise payment. Just double check to make sure that it does show that you are paying in the currency you are expecting. I’ve had occasional issues with this.

PayPal Payment in USD without Conversion

That’s it. Click “Continue” and proceed to complete the transaction as normal. Your Wise card will be used to make the payment and funds will be taken from the appropriate balance, or converted from one of your other balances if you don’t have enough in that currency.

Sit back and enjoy the savings!

One caveat to note regarding PayPal and your Wise card. PayPal does not let you select the currency for billing agreements. Instead, PayPal kindly does the conversion to your base currency for you. You don’t get a choice so be careful with this.

I would recommend using your Wise debit card directly with merchants whom you have ongoing payments arrangements with to ensure you are getting the savings and not potentially doubling up on your exchange fees.

It’s so frustrating to have a USD balance, expect a payment to come out in USD, but instead, PayPal converts it to AUD for you, which means you are billed in AUD and thus Wise has to convert your USD to AUD. Subsequently, you are paying double exchange fees and it costs you way too much.

On a side note, it is possible to add your Wise USD account to your PayPal account to withdraw USD funds from PayPal, however, as of November 2020, PayPal charges a 3% fee to withdraw USD from Australian PayPal accounts to USD bank accounts. Ouch. The current list of PayPal fees for Australian accounts is 这里.


That’s all there is! That’s how you can save money using foreign currency accounts in Wise (formerly TransferWise) and paying using your Wise debit card.

If you want better value currency exchange for business use, as I do, Wise also has a brilliant business account, TransferWise for Business.

TransferWise and TransferWise for Business

Got more tips on saving money with Wise? Let me know in the comments below!

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Saving money with TransferWise Pin 4



旅行货币和货币换算: 我们同时使用 向上银行明智的 通过支持 Apple Pay 和 Android Pay 以及出色的应用内客户支持,在您旅行时获得最佳货币兑换率。

航班: 我们检查了几个网站的不同价格。从澳大利亚出发,我总是直接检查澳航的奖励航班,但除此之外,我会检查并比较航班费用 天巡.检查替代路线和日期总是值得的,尤其是在有多个中途停留选项或附近替代机场的情况下。

住所: 我们通常通过预订 雅阁 因为我们发现他们的价格最低,取消政策+忠诚度福利效果最好。我们也用 爱彼迎 时。

汽车出租: 我们用 欧洲汽车展 将租车价格与 Europcar、Budget、Hertz 和 Avis 等所有大型国际品牌进行比较。我们通常最终使用 阿维斯 要么 欧洲汽车 因为他们提供最优惠的价格(请务必查看他们当前的优惠折扣),并且都使用相对较新的车队维护他们的车辆。

旅游与活动: 我们通常会尝试通过这些第三方网站之一预订活动 领航者获取指南 & 客路 由于他们灵活的取消政策(为我们在 COVID 后旅行节省了很多钱)和价格保证(通常比直接预订更优惠的价格)。我们也通过预订 红气球 偶尔会有更多独特的澳大利亚和新西兰活动。

《How to use Wise (formerly TransferWise) Borderless foreign currency accounts to save money》有4条留言

    • Thanks Kev, it definitely is. I use it all the time for overseas purchases and travel. It works really well and is much cheaper than the rates my bank charges.





Matt in Noumea

Matt专职从事数字营销业务, TerraMedia。不过,在业余时间,他喜欢和妻子一起旅行,所以他们通常都会做很多事情。

您可以阅读有关马特及其故事的更多信息 这里.

