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I’ve been reading Ephesians 6 this morning, and it occurred to me, the armour of God in and of itself helps to answer a lot of questions about what to do, both in every day life, but also when we are under attack.

If we put on the belt of truth (Ephesians 6:14), it dictates that we have to be honest.

If we wear the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14), then we have to be just and fair, representing uncompromisingly what is right.

If we have the shoes of peace (Ephesians 6:15) on then we have to aim to be peaceful, even when being honest or rebuking someone.

The shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16) requires us to remain faithful to Christ no matter how difficult the situation.

Putting on the helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:17) protects our thoughts, reminding us of the crown of thorns Christ wore as he sacrificed himself to offer us salvation, and the crown He promises us in Revelation 2:10.

Lastly the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) relies on every response we make being founded in the Word of God and nowhere else, just as Jesus did when tempted by Satan in Matthew 4:4, Matthew 4:7 & Matthew 4:10.

Now every piece of the armour of God really relies on God in some way, and while the belt of truth holds it all together, no one part is more important than another. Every piece plays a vital role in our protection from the devil. So when you are really beaten down, remember how these pieces work together, and put on the entire suit of armour. Be truthful, be righteous, be peaceful, be faithful, remember the promise of salvation, and be founded in the Word of God so that anything you say or do reflects the love of God and not our own conceited nature. When you live this way, what do you have to hide? What can anyone say against you? Most importantly, what can Satan attack you with?

In all honesty, Satan and people will still find something to attack you with. Something in your past, or something fabricated, something a little bit true, you are too righteous you look down your nose at everyone else, you are too honest you must have shared something confidential, you are too peaceful, you couldn’t stand up to an attacker, you are so focused on the promise of Salvation and the Word of God that you can’t see what is going on around you. There will always be an attack. When you know in your heart though that you are doing the right thing in Christ by following the example He set, taking up the full armour of God, then you know your attackers are just grasping at straws, just trying to find some way to pull you down. The armour of God will protect you though, helping you to stand amidst everything that is thrown at you and know that Christ is on your side.

When you don’t know what to do, it can guide you and give you direction by providing a definition of how you should act. Does this action fit, or will it compromise your suit of armour in some way?



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レンタカー: を使用しております AutoEurope レンタカーの価格を、Europcar、Budget、Hertz、Avisなどのすべての大手国際ブランドと比較します。私たちは通常使用することになります エイビス また Europcar 彼らは最高のお得な情報を提供し(ボーナス割引については現在のオファーを確認してください)、どちらも比較的新しい車両で車両を良好に維持します。

ツアーとアクティビティ: 私たちは通常、これらのサードパーティのサイトの1つを介して活動を予約しようとします Viatorあなたのガイドを入手 & クルック 彼らの柔軟なキャンセルポリシー(COVID後の旅行を試みることで私たちに多くのお金を節約した)と価格保証(多くの場合、直接予約するよりも良い価格)のために。また、 赤い風船 よりユニークなオーストラリアとニュージーランドの活動のために時々。


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Matt in Noumea

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